m8, it's this wierd, out of tune and overly loud glissando related song is what give the trombone a reputation of a comedic instrument.
The trombone is the best instrument known to man, not a sleazy smeared mess
m8, it's this wierd, out of tune and overly loud glissando related song is what give the trombone a reputation of a comedic instrument.
The trombone is the best instrument known to man, not a sleazy smeared mess
Glad you didn't like it, nor did I. Clearly you didn't get the subtle undertones of sarcasm in the poor mix, I'll have to make sure I increase them in a future master.
If that didn't explain it, note the following:
1. It is supposed to be weird.
2. It is supposed to be out of tune.
3. It is supposed to be cheesy.
Fortunately for you, I share the same belief regarding what is my principal as well as yours. However, what is wrong with some humor?
This is the second song of yours I've listened to. Don't let low ratings get to you. These songs are awesome
Thanks =) comments like this keeps me making music!
Keep up the song writing man.
Thank you! I will
Nothing to say but positvies.
Love the rhythm
Stay tune for our next album '' Vile '' is coming up . Ooops sorry for the spoiler XD
It's very calming and trance inducing. I could imagine buying an album with a song like this.
I dunno though, it doesn't really go anywhere in terms of the music. I would imagine the section around 4:20 is where everything starts to build, but I don't feel as if it's really getting emotional enough so that when the singing ends you don't have a sense of melancholy and longing.
But I'm probably insane
Thanks for the feedback mate - it's still a wip so I will that you comment into account :)
Roughly around there and at some points after, the really heavily hit notes sounded ugly, to be blunt. Other than that, it sounded nice. Mind you piano's easy to compose for if you have some knowledge of chords. If you want to really get some hits and test your ability as a composer get some orchestral stuff going, or if you still like piano go and listen to piano concertos by the great classical musicians throughout time by Schubert, Korsakov, Mozart and others.
Good luck
lol, yeah. I just started w/ piano, since it's the instrument I'm most familiar with, but now I'm branching into Orchestra, starting with the NAC competition.
I'll check out 1:00, might be hard for me to fix since I actually lost the original file... so I gotta look for it, or redo everything.
Doesn't end right
It's epicly made in most respects, but needs a beter ending
Better ending? Hm, can't agree with you there, I personally like the ending I did, but still, everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
Thanks for reviewing!
N icely done with the chalenge. Could be quite good in a game
Too much of that 2:03 Bleeping
Really liked the main theme though
thanks! gonna watch more carefully next time!
A trombonist who composes for fun, If you need a competent trombonist for compositions, give me a message
Age 33, Male
Cegep Student
Marianopolis College
Joined on 1/8/10